Administrative Department
➤ Organizing the correspondence of the center and archiving, registration of correspondence, letters or other documentation incoming from governmental offices, physical or legal entities;➤ Legal support of the Center's activities, preparation of individual administrative-legal acts of the Director, legal protection of the Center's interests;
➤ Participation in preparing process of contracts and / or contracts in which the center is represented by the party;
➤ Within the scope of competence, review of applications, complaints and letters received from physical and juridical persons by participation of relevant field specialists;
➤ Representing the interests of scientific-research center in international relations;
➤ Issuance of public information in accordance with the Georgian legislation;
➤ Managing personal affairs of the center’s staff and the registration of employees in the service of employees;
➤ Ensuring the preparation of the business documents in Georgia and overseas (seminars, conferences, etc.);
➤ Technical support of the Center’s Information Technology;
➤ Ensure recording, registration and electronic information bases (registry) of the movable and immovable property of the Center;
➤ Provision of agricultural, repair, construction and material-technical services, organizing the conduct of property inventory;
➤ Provision of material-technical and other resources necessary for the functioning of the Center;
➤ Implementation of material valuation, accounting, storage and control their condition;
➤ Maintaining a warehouse.