+ 995(32) 2 47 01 01
ონლაინ დახმარება

Research division of ecophysiology


➤ Collecting, analyzing and forecasting data from meteorological stations for the purpose of research and evaluation of atmospheric events;
➤ Planning of agrometeorological studies taking into account global warming, environmental pollution and agro-climatic regions;
➤ Development of a system of agro-technical measures for specific climatic conditions based on climate research;
➤ Research of agro-climatic characteristics affecting agricultural crops;
➤ Study and research of plant behavior to pest-diseases and adverse environmental stressors;
➤ Implementation of selection studies in order to obtain high-yielding and drought-resistant varieties of field crops;
➤ Research of physical, chemical and biological processes in plant organisms (photosynthesis, transpiration, respiration, translocation, etc.);
➤ Study of biochemical indicators of plants;
➤ Research and analysis of physical and chemical processes, chemical composition and anatomical structure of plant organisms.