+ 995(32) 2 47 01 01
ონლაინ დახმარება

Division of Standards, Certification, Planning and Economic Analysis


➤ Research on methods of determining and identifying characteristics of plant seeds and planting materials, animals, birds, beneficial insect and fish varieties, species, populations and propagating material;
➤Research of quality indicators of plant seeds and planting materials, animals, birds, beneficial insects and fish varieties, species, populations and propagating material, their control and conformity assessment systems;
➤Implementation of conformity assessment procedures and issuance of certificates for animals, birds, beneficial insects and fish varieties, species, populations and propagating materials on plant seeds and planting materials;
➤Research of laboratory methods for determining the quality indicators of seeds and planting materials;
➤Conducting analyzes on quality indicators of seeds and planting materials;
➤Research of plant genetic resources standards and norms;
➤Search, identification, characterization, storage and monitoring of seed collections in accordance with international standards;
➤Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of scientific topics in the Center;
➤Implementation of economic analysis of scientific and research achievements;
➤Systematization of the reports of the activities carried out by the Center according to the strategy and action plan of the agricultural development;
➤Participation in the planning of scientific topics in relation to the strategy and action plan.