+ 995(32) 2 47 01 01
ონლაინ დახმარება

Risk assessment division


➤ Organization of risk assessment, preparation of recommendations for risk managers, implementation of consultations and communications: • in the field of food/feed safety; • in the field of veterinary; • in the field of plant protection.
➤ Search and analysis of scientific and technical information available at the local and international level related to risk assessment;
➤Finding and promoting the implementation of risk assessment methodologies;
➤Preparation of the risk assessment report (conclusions-recommendations);
➤Cooperation with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as a national contact person;
➤Participation in programs, seminars and projects organized at the national and international level for the purpose of institutional strengthening and capacity building in the field of risk assessment;
➤Ensuring transparency of risk assessment processes and results;
➤Cooperation with authorities responsible for risk management.