


Georgian prospective varieties of corn have been introduced to farmers

Georgian prospective varieties of corn have been introduced to farmers by the representatives of the research division of cereal crops of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture. Georgian corn varieties - ,,kartuli krugi’’, ,, Ajameti tetri’’, ,,Abashuri kviteli’’ and hybrid forms - ,,Tserovani 1’’, ,,Kazbegi’’, ,, Tsilkani 1’’ " on a hectare give average 8-12 tons of harvest. It is characterized by durability to diseases. The new varieties of corn - ,,High-zone kartuli krugi’’, ,,Black corn with starch’’ da other hybrids -- ,,Saba’’ and ,,Kakhura’’ are retrieved by the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture and they are characterized with ability to adapt to ecological conditions and have high quality. The retrieved varieties provide the guaranteed harvest even in bad weather conditions.

Guram Aleksidze, President of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Academician Gogola Margvelashvili, Director of Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture - Levan Ujmajuridze and representatives from regional information-consultation centers attended the meeting.

The guests viewed the plot of cereal crops on the base of Tsilkani and obtained comprehensive information about the yield and agro-technology of corn varieties.