


Georgian rare varieties of grapes were introduced to the representatives of ,,Shilda Estate’’ company

The representatives of ,,Shilda Estate’’ company, together with the French winemakers, visited the demonstration base of perennial crops in Jughaura, they viewed the collection of vineyards cultivated on the base and tasted wines from rare Georgian grapes. The staff of the Research Division of Viticulture and Wine-making introduced the prospective varieties of wine to the representatives of the company and provided them with complete information about varieties.

,,Shilda Estate’’ company in Georgia plans to cultivate vineyards on the 150 hectares at the Alazani valley and plans to build a wine factory in the future and produces 2 million bottles a year.

It should be noted that 437 Georgian and 350 collection plantings of foreign varieties are retrieved and cultivated on the demonstrative base of Jighaura, by the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture. On this base, each year, less than 70 different varieties of grapes are studied and evaluated in order to spread the best varieties in the future and to involve in their production direction