


The presentation of the book "Georgian Vine Varieties" was held

The presentation of the book ,,Georgian Vine Varieties’’ was held in the Writers’ House of Georgia, which was published by authorship of the Professor Levan Ujmajuridze, writer Giorgi Kakabadze and Londa Mamasakhlisashvili, Academic doctor of agricultural sciences. The book contains information on 614 varieties, Georgian, local and selective varieties of grapevine. All the materials that are known about the variety are collected: name, explanation of the name, synonyms, vine history, biological description (leaf, bunch, berries), vine vegetation, yield, technical data (acidity - sugar content), the characteristics of the reception of wine and more than 300 unique photographic material.

The book is unique in the sense that it contains information about Georgian grape varieties issued by Georgian or foreign researchers.

Mikheil Batiashvili, the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Levan Davitashvili, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Giorgi Kvesitadze, President of Georgian National Academy of Sciences, the Metropolitan of Alaverdi - Abba David, representatives of wine companies, winemakers and other specialists attended the presentation.

"It is important for us to continue the history that we have in relation to the ampelography books. Many things change in our field, including the collection on which our authors work; finding and identification of new varieties is happening. Our policy related to viticulture is connected precisely to biodiversity, conservation and restoration, which the country has. It is not just a choice of several industrial varieties, which have a great potential and awareness, but it is very important to have a diversity of these varieties, that are a continuous source of development. This diversity means identification, description and assessment of the varieties and I would like to thank the authors for this" - remarked Levan Davitashvili, Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture.

At the first stage the book was published in Georgian language by ,,Pegasus’’ Publishers into 1000 copies. In the future, the English and German editions of the book will be published.