


Schoolers of Sachkhere school visited the bases of Jighaura and Tsilkani

The Eco-group, founded on the base of the public school of village Sareki Municipality, visited the perennial crops’ testing-demonstrative base of Jighaura and annual crops’ testing-demonstrative base in Tsilkani of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture. The members of the Eco-group got acquainted with the work of the bases and visited the laboratories, also took part in the cleaning action.

The visit of Eco-group members was implemented within the framework of the project "Niko Ketskhoveli school prize 2019", which was initiated by the Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN), by the Parliament of Georgia and by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia. The goal of the project is to support environmental education and civic engagement and raise awareness among young people about sustainable development goals.