


Mandatory certification of potato seeds was discussed

The Mandatory certification of potato seeds was discussed at a seminar in Kazbegi Municipality, organized by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and the International Potato Center (CIP). The seminar was opened by the Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Khatia Tsilosani. The participants, together with international experts, discussed the seed certification system in Georgia, the experience of different countries, recommendations and new regulations.

The participants of the workshop at the CIP demonstration plot planted the retrieved potato seedlings within the framework of the program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This program involves the development of innovative 3G technology for growing potatoes in Georgia. During the two-day working meeting, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Khatia Tsilosani, together with the representatives of the International Potato Center (CIP) and Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, got acquainted with the working principles of the first model potato storage facility "CoolBot" in the village Sno.

"Important steps have been taken in the country in the direction of certification, which is being actively worked on by the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. Within the framework of the project, the introduction and development of a mandatory certification system for potato seeds is underway. As a result of the project, Georgia will be provided with its own quality seed material. Implementation of modern and innovative projects in agriculture is crucial. Today's project is a unique innovation, which involves retrieving seedlings from potato seed material and transplanting them in the open ground" - said Khatia Tsilosani.

It should be noted that the project ,,Enhancing Rural Livelihoods in Georgia: Introducing Integrated Seed Health Approaches to Local Potato Seed Systems’’ has been implemented with the financial support of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) since 2017.