


The producers were introduced to the improved technology of making "Guda" cheese

The meeting was held with cheese farmers and members of the association working in the field by the organization of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture and the company "Cold Cheese" in Telavi, in the village of Kurdghelauri. The representatives of the center introduced the farmers to the new, improved technological instructions for making "Guda" cheese. The process of maturing pasteurized or unpasteurized milk, with sabot, or fermenter, in a polyethylene bag, or in ,,Guda’’, was evaluated by farmers using six different technologies of ,,Guda’’ cheese based on taste, odor, consistency, color and other parameters.

The meeting was held within the framework of the project of the Scientific – Research Center of Agriculture "Development of technological instructions for the production of national dairy products (" Dambalkhacho ", cheese" Tenili ", cheese" Guda "), which is implemented since 2018 and during this period the improved technology has been already developed for making " Dambalkhacho " and cheese "Tenili". The aim of the project is to ensure the safety of the produced product, increase competitiveness and introduce improved technologies from households to dairy processing plants recognized by the National Food Agency.

The meeting was attended by Kakhaber Koniashvili, Executive Director of the Association of Dairy and Dairy Producers and by the representatives of dairy processing enterprises, ,,Sakpatenti’’ and dairy farmers.