



The construction of screen greenhouses on the trial-demonstration base of perennial crops of Jighaura of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture has been completed. In two, international standard greenhouse isolators, high category (basic) mother plantations of vines and fruits will be arranged, from where the mother plant material will be distributed in nurseries.

The 800-square-meter greenhouses were built as part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Union's EU Innovation Project for Private Sector Competitiveness in Georgia. The project envisages state support in two main areas - improving the certification system and the legal framework and strengthening the capacity of nurseries, including training for nursery representatives.

"Building greenhouse isolators is another step towards establishing a certification system in line with European standards. With the help of FAO and the European Union, it will be the main repository of quality propagating materials, including endemic varieties, in the country, facilitating access to quality seedlings for farmers. "Quality of seedlings are crucial in order to improve agricultural production," said Javier Sans Alvarez, FAO-EU Project Coordinator.

It should be noted that the process of voluntary certification of planting material began in 2018 and is carried out by the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture. The process of certification of planting materials is regulated by law, the purpose of which is to define the unified principles of state regulation in the field of protection of seeds and planting material and to provide the market with quality seeds and planting material. Seeds and planting material will be subject to mandatory certification in 2024 within the framework of fulfillment of Georgia's obligations under the Association Agreement with Europe.