


Farmers were trained in the care-cultivation of asparagus

The Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, within the framework of the agricultural support project of the charity fund "Lazare", conducted a training on farming technology for farmers and stakeholders. The farmers inspected the test-demonstration base of Tsilkani and got acquainted with the cultivation of asparagus on the spot. Irma Iremashvili, a representative of the Research Division of Vegetable Crops and Melon Cultures, provided farmers with detailed information on the agro-ecological conditions required for growing asparagus, planting material, cultivation of asparagus plantation, its maintenance, arrangement of irrigation system, adapted to soil and climatic conditions in Georgia. The training focused on the pests and measures to combat them, as well as the economic efficiency of asparagus farming, its markets and demand.

Asparagus is a perennial vegetable crop, which has been especially popular in Georgia for the last few years and the demand for it is growing. Due to the lack of information on the care and cultivation of locusts in the local conditions, the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture is actively involved in providing free training and consultations in this area.

The training, "Technology of care-cultivation of asparagus", was implemented with the financial support of the Georgian Patriarchate and the Swiss organization HEKS-EPER.