


Modern agricultural technologies are being introduced in the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture

In order to familiarize farmers with modern agro-technologies, zero (no-till) and sowing technologies are being introduced at the Tsilkni annual crops’ testing-demonstration base of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). In order to popularize new technologies, field days and trainings will be organized at the Center's base.

No-till technology is a modern system of energy-saving agriculture, in which the soil is not cultivated before sowing. Its surface is covered with a coating of pre-chemically treated crop and mechanically destroyed waste during sowing - mulching. Since the soil does not loosen, water and wind erosion is significantly reduced, while the soil retains moisture better.

No-till technology is used over more than 300 million hectares in the world today, mainly in the advanced agricultural countries.