


In order to determine the qualification of nurseries, in the regions of Samegrelo and Guria, nurseries producing laurel culture were assessed

The representatives of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, together with the specialists of the National Food Agency, visited 13 nurseries in the Samegrelo and Guria regions, introduced the international requirements related to the production of planting material and the stages to be passed in the certification process, and assessed their phytosanitary status. Inspections of qualified nurseries producing planting material were carried out by specialists within the framework of the implementation of the certification system. Recommendations were given to farmers to ensure the production of healthy planting material.

The process of voluntary certification of planting material in Georgia is being carried out within the framework of fulfilling the obligations assumed by the Association Agreement with Europe. Planting material will be subject to mandatory certification in 2024.

It should be noted that determining the qualification of the nursery, which is a prerequisite for the certification of planting material, began in 2017. The representatives of the Standards, Certification, Planning and Economic Analysis Division of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture are guided by the internationally recognized standards of requirements for nurseries during field inspections.

The certification system will provide the market with quality nursery material, which will promote the replacement of imported material and the promotion of local varieties and will protect the consumer from unscrupulous producers.