


Ltd. ,,Wine laboratory’’ was named after Irma Chanturia

On its 18th anniversary, Ltd ,,Wine Laboratory’’ under the management of the Scientific- Research Center of Agriculture was named after its former director, Irma Chanturia. Ms. Irma made a special contribution to the creation of the wine laboratory. Since 2004, Irma Chanturia has been leading the German Technical Cooperation Society (GIZ) project "Establishment of wine quality system in Georgia", on the basis of which Ltd. ’’Wine Laboratory" was created. From 2009 until the end of her life, Irma Chanturia held the position of director of the wine laboratory Ltd. Under the conditions of the growing export of Georgian wine to the world markets and strict control of quality indicators, the laboratory was equipped with modern equipment and the methodology of highly valid studies, which was implemented directly under her leadership.The wine laboratory was created in order to promote the establishment of Georgian wine quality systems and the transition of the private sector to European standards. The laboratory makes a significant contribution to the promotion of Georgian wine; Its main function is laboratory control of wine and grape products, technical support of winegrowers and wine producers and implementation of various thematic activities.The wine laboratory is equipped with a modern material and technical base, where the activities are carried out according to the methodologies stipulated and allowed by international legislation, as well as local, proven and documented methodologies. The laboratory implements the most protected, confidential, universal database (LIMS) systems of quality, which takes into account all stages, from receiving the sample to the response of the analysis.Since 2014, the Wine Laboratory Ltd. has been under the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, where scientific activities are carried out in the direction of development of new methods, compilation of databases of local and introduced varieties of vines common in Georgia, wines made from them, and processing of technological processes.In order to strengthen wine quality control, technological process safety, product compliance with standard requirements and to determine the presence of signs of falsification, Ltd. ,,Wine laboratory’’ constantly updates technical equipment and introduces modern standards.