


FAO Monitoring Service inspected screenhouses in Jighaura

FAO expert Antoine Colonna d'Istria inspected the screenhouses built with the financial support of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) at the Jighaura Perennial Crops testing-demonstration base and got acquainted with the work process. The director of the Scientific-Research Center, Levan Ujmajuridze, provided the FAO expert with detailed information on the high category mother plants of vines and fruit crops planted in two international standard greenhouse insulators.

The greenhouse-insulators located on an area of 800 square meters were built within the framework of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the European Union project "EU Innovative Project for the Competitiveness of the Private Sector in Georgia". The project involves two strategic directions: introduction of the system of certification of planting material to be propagated in Georgia, improvement of the legal framework and strengthening of nurseries' capabilities, which will help farmers and other interested parties to smoothly transition to the mandatory certification process until 2024.

The process of voluntary certification of planting material was started in 2018 by the Scientific- Research Center of Agriculture, with the support of FAO. The certification process is regulated by the law, the purpose of which is to determine the unified principles of state regulation in the field of seed and planting material protection and to provide the market with qualified seeds and planting material. The certification of seeds and planting material is part of the agreement with the European Union on a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area and gives the Georgian producer the opportunity to participate in international trade.