


The Representatives of the University of Kansas held a working meeting at the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture

The representatives of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and professors of the Kansas State Research University visited the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture. The purpose of the visit was to evaluate the current situation in the field of cereal crops and to develop an action plan for future cooperation.

The director of the Scientific-Research Center, Levan Ujmajuridze, and the specialists of the Cereal Crops Research Division introduced the research works and projects in the Center related to cereal crops to the guests.

"The Scientific-Research Center pays special attention to the search for endemic species and local varieties of Georgian wheat, their conservation and conducting selection activities in this direction. The relevant divisions of the Center carry out work related to primary seedling, which is directed to the promotion of persons engaged in the production of certified seeds. The cooperation with American colleagues will contribute to the introduction of new agro-technologies adapted to the soil-climatic conditions of Georgia related to the maintenance and cultivation of wheat culture, and the improvement of the management practices of seed farms," mentioned Levan Ujmajuridze, the director of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture.

The meeting was held within the USAID project "Caucasus Agricultural Development Initiative"(CADI).