


Moldovan Winemakers Visited Jighaura Base

Moldovan wine-makers visited the Jighaura Perennial Crops Testing-Demonstration Base of Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. The members of the delegation viewed the ampelographic collection, got acquainted with the history of viticulture and winemaking in Georgia and tasted wines made from rare grapeines.

“We are pleased to see a base of perennial crops and a diversity of jighaura varieties. The amplographic collection is very interesting and unique. You have great potential in the international wine market,” said Elizaveta Breana, director of the National Bureau of Vine and Wine.

It should be noted that 350 foreign and 437 Georgian grape varieties are preserved in the Jighaura collection plantation, including a collection of unique and rare varieties of Georgian grapevines, which were searched and restored for a long time. The Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, in parallel with the restoration of grape varieties, produces wines from rare grape varieties and conducts research on them.