


French Oenologists Visited the Scientific-Research Center

The representatives of the LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture visited the wine laboratory named after Irma Chanturia and the grape collection at the research and demonstration base of Jighaura to the French oenologists.

The French colleagues got acquainted with the working principles of the wine laboratory, the prospects of winemaking in Georgia and the wines made from rare Georgian vines.

At the meeting, the parties discussed the development of joint educational projects in the direction of viticulture-winemaking, which will allow winemakers, both beginners and professionals, to thoroughly study Georgian wine and further successfully promote it on international and domestic markets.

Guilherme Martins and Yann Buchwalter give lectures on viticulture-winemaking in different countries of the world and actively participate in the promotion and development of innovations in winemaking research.