


The representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of Adjara visited the bases of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture

The employees of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and students of the Ministry's program "Introduction of educational and scientific practices" visited the experimental-demonstration base of perennial crops of Jighaura of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture. The guests viewed the collection of Georgian vines and tasted wines made from rare vines.

"We have been successfully cooperating with the Scientific-Research Center for years, and we are constantly given the opportunity to introduce interns to the center's demonstration and laboratory bases, which represent the best infrastructure. For our students and graduates, similar tours are carried out in the field of agriculture, in order to familiarize with the activities of successful institutions and farms in the country, to share experience and to raise their qualifications", said Jimsher Diasamidze, head of the Department of Agrarian Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

Within the framework of the same agro tour, the heads of the Soil Fertility Research Laboratory and the IN VITRO Plant Micro-clonal (IN VITRO) Propagation and Virus-free Planting Material Research Division Laboratory in Tsilkani met with the students of agricultural and natural sciences, where they introduced the work of the laboratory and current research.

Meetings and trainings with specialists and students are regularly held on the bases of the Center in order to interest and attract young personnel, introduce/share modern scientific achievements and technologies and involve them in the agricultural field.