


An employee of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture won a grant of the Association for European Cooperation in the field of Science and Technology

Iveta Megrelishvili, the head of the virology laboratory of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, won a short-term scientific grant of the Association for European Cooperation in the field of Science and Technology (COST) "Study of bacterial wilt of hazelnuts using the new generation sunburn treatment method".

Within the framework of the grant, he carried out research on the bacterial disease of hazelnut Xanthomonas arboricola by molecular methods in the virology laboratory of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium. Within the framework of the working visit, the representative of the center studied the sunburn treatment methods of the new generation of scientific equipment MinION, which provides an opportunity to carry out genetic research of the research object quickly and with great accuracy. Using the mentioned innovative method, the bacterial strain of Xanthomonas arboricola was confirmed for the first time in Georgia, which makes it possible to develop the spread area of the bacterial burn of nuts caused by the mentioned pathogen and effective measures to fight it.

The Association for European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) is an organization that funds research and innovation networks. Its aim is to connect research initiatives across Europe and beyond and to promote the ideas of researchers and innovators in science and technology.