


In order to protect the genetic resources, the Gene Bank has been filled with new samples

The Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture works actively in the direction of search, protection and conservation of genetic resources. 102 samples of cereal crops were collected from the plots of lands around the house of the locals. 68 samples of corn, 30 beans and 4 soybeans collected within the expedition will undergo the drying process at the first stage and will be prepared for the gene bank.

The collection of samples of traditional varieties of cereal crops is carried out with the grant funding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), which is being carried out in 8 regions of Georgia. The main goal of the project is to study the current state of target crop collections in Georgia and to enrich the genetic bank collection. The project will promote the spread of local varieties in farms, which, in turn, will ensure the preservation of biodiversity.

At the moment, within the framework of the project, 208 samples have been collected, out of which 90 of sorghum, 100 of beans, 4 of soybean, 1 of dzadza, 1 of garbanzo and 1 of chickling pea have been collected.