


The International Scientific Conference “Georgian Wheat Culture - Rituals and Continuous Tradition of usage” Ended

In order to protect and popularize Georgian wheat, for 2 days, in Tbilisi, an international scientific conference was organized by the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture. About 80 scientists from 6 countries took part in the conference.

Within the framework of the conference, scientists discussed Georgian wheat endemic species and local varieties, wheat growing traditions, the role of Georgian wheat in world wheat selection, conservation of endemic wheat species and aboriginal varieties, seed certification and ancient traditions of bread baking.

Georgian wheat is preserved in genebanks of many countries. Farmers in Georgia are slowly returning to the cultivation of Georgian wheat, which is welcome. This allows us to keep the genetic material alive. The main thing is that this process has started and continues. I hope that the government of Georgia will continue to support farmers in this direction" - - noted the participant of the conference, the representative of the British Royal Botanic Gardens, Michiel van Slageren.

Within the framework of the conference, the participants visited the National Museum of Georgia, and also took part in the master class of Georgian bread baking.

The international scientific conference was held with the support of the Agrarian Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Georgia, and the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia.