


In order to preserve the gene pool of Georgian bee populations with unique properties, the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture introduces new approaches

The specialists of the beekeeping department of the Animal Breeding and Food Production Research Department of the LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture They took part in the theoretical-practical training of instrumental insemination of Mother Bees held in Guria. The training was led by European Union Researcher Jacob Wegener, invited from Germany, who showed the participants the process of artificial insemination of bees. This was implemented for the first time in Georgia and will be introduced in the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture. "I am glad that artificial insemination of queen bees was successfully carried out for the first time in Georgia. By studying the instrumental fertilization of Mother Bees, we will be able to preserve the gene pool of Georgian bee populations with unique properties, therefore, we will have the opportunity to produce high-quality queen bees at the Mukhuri Beekeeping Base of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture. By implementing the existing approaches, we will promote the spread of Georgian bee populations both in Georgia and abroad," said Nana Maisuradze, the Senior Specialist of the beekeeping department of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture. The training, which lasted for 5 days, was held with the support of the Frank Benton International Beekeeping Association and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. At the Mukhuri base of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, which has been operating since 2017, in addition to the maintenance and propagation of the Gray Bee population of the Georgian mountain, cleaning of the mixed population of Gray Bees is underway. The introduction of instrumental approaches to the base of beekeeping in Mukhuri will contribute to the perfect management of construction activities.