


An expert of Agricultural from the Global Research Partnership visited Tsilkani

World Agricultural Research Partnership expert Beyhan Akin paid a working visit to the Tsilkani regional demonstration base of the LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture.

The purpose of the visit was to observe and monitor the ongoing selective trials on cereal crops at the regional demonstration base owned by the center in Tsilkani.

Within the framework of the National Wheat Selection Program, the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture is studying the selection of the best genotype from the 120 outstanding promising wheat varieties, the selection of positive agricultural and quality varieties, the study of plant adaptation to local agro-climatic conditions and resistance to diseases.

LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, within the framework of the national wheat selection program, since 2000, is an active member of the international test network of fall and spring cereal crops (wheat, barley, triticale) of international organizations - CIMMYT (International Wheat and Maize Improvement Center) and ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas). The international network unites the research institutes and scientific centers of the Caucasus, Minor, Eastern and Central Asia and annually shares the results of the ongoing scientific trials of various nurseries and their study results.

It should be noted that during the period of work, 6 new Georgian varieties of wheat and 1 triticale were obtained and registered as a result of the study of various international nurseries.