


Visit of a representative of the Agroforestry Crops Research Division to the Austrian Research Centre for Forests

The Agroforestry Crops Research Division of the LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, in consultation with the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW) and with the financial support of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia, the project "Study of rare and relict forest species of Georgia and creation of an electronic database" (FR22-2188) is being implemented. Within the framework of the project, a molecular-genetic study of oak species common in Georgia is planned. Austrian professor Berthold Heinze will advise on the mentioned research.

In order to share the experience of Austrian colleagues, Nani Goginashvili, the head of the Agroforestry Crops Research Division of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, and the Georgian scientists involved in the project were on a working visit to the genome laboratory of the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW). Georgian researchers visited the mentioned laboratory, got acquainted with modern researches and methods and discussed the results of genetic research conducted on oak samples spread in Eastern Europe, including Georgia, and issues of their systematic identification.

It should be noted that the project "Study of rare and relict species of Georgian forest and creation of an electronic database" (FR22-2188) of 4 relict species: Hartwis Oak (Colchis Oak, Quercus hartwissiana Steven.) Pontus oak (Quercus pontica K.Koch.), Zelkova carpinifolia (Pall.) and Laffan (Pterocarya pterocarpa (Michx) Kunth.) It envisages the creation of an electronic database, ex-situ conservation, molecular-genetic and morphometric studies. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to update the existing information about the research species, to create georeferenced thematic maps showing their distribution in GIS, determination of in-situ seed sites and conducting morphometric descriptions and molecular-genetic research of the leaves of the two study species of oaks to clarify their taxonomic status. The project also envisages the creation of a unified electronic database on the 14 species studied so far and the materials of the mentioned 4 species in the Georgian-English languages.

It should be noted that forests in Georgia are distinguished by a variety of plants, there are many endemic, relict species, some of which are in danger of extinction. Conservation of rare and endangered species of wild flora of Georgia is determined by a number of international conventions.