


At the International Congress of Plant Protection, the representatives of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture presented the results of scientific research

At the 20th International Plant Protection Congress held in Athens, Greece, Levan Ujmajuridze, Director of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, Zurab Khidesheli, Head of the Integrated Plant Protection Research Department, and Iveta Megrelishvili, Head of the Virology Laboratory, submitted three presentations on the research of viral and bacterial diseases of fruit crops and nuts relevant to Georgia.

These studies are within the scope of the grant project "Research of bacterial (Xanthomonas arboricola, Pseudomoanas avellanae) and viral (APMV, PNRSV) infections of hazelnuts by serological (ELISA), molecular (PCR, LAMP) methods, since 2018 ,,development of control mechanisms and promotion of improvement of the socio-economic condition of farmers", has been organized by the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture and with the financial support of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation.

This year, the congress theme "Healthy Plants Contribute to Human Well-Being" focused on the growing role of plant protection, biodiversity conservation and food safety issues in the face of increasing pressure on natural resources due to climate change.

The presentations presented at the congress were mainly related to the management of losses caused by pathogens and pests of olives, citrus, vines, fruit , nuts and other important crops, identification of new harmful organisms and effective ways of combating them, environmentally safe biological and agrochemical preparations and food safety issues.

700 scientists from 60 countries of the world attended the plant protection congress, which is held every 4 years in different countries. Participation in the congress is important for scientists to present research activities, share opinions and experiences, define future perspectives and establish new scientific connections.

The scientific forum organized by the International Association for Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS) and the Agrarian University of Athens was held at the Megaron International Conference Center in Athens.