


Dr. Hind Azami, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the University of Georgia, USA, visited Georgia

In the framework of the joint project of the Veterinary Research Division of the LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture and the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health of the State University of Georgia, Hind Azami, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the University of Georgia, USA, visited.

Professor Hind Azami held trainings in the direction of microbiological and bio-molecular diagnostics for the persons involved in the project.

During the one-week visit, Hind Assam held meetings with the specialists of the National Food Agency, who are successfully implementing the process of tuberculinization of cattle, with the employees of the Richard Lugar Laboratory of the National Center for Public Health Research, Medical laboratory Kutaisi Referral Hospital, and the Pulmonology and Visual Diagnostics Departments of the Kutaisi Multi-Professional ,,LJ Clinic’’. The meetings were about the relevance and diagnosis of zoonotic tuberculosis.