


Farmers were trained in the technology of vegetable grafting

On the basis of the research demonstrative base in Tsilkani, where annual crops research division of the Scientific-Research Center is located, specialists of the vegetable and horticultural crops’ held trainings for farmers and students with agricultural direction and other interested people, on the technology of vegetable grafting. Within the framework of the training, participants studied tomatoes, eggplants and peppers’ grafting through modern technologies.

Vegetable storage is a technology that involves inside a family a steady, resistant to diseases rootstock and a variety/hybrid of the desired grafting, which protects the plants from diseases, prolonging vegetation and ensuring productivity.

Employees of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture periodically conduct various seminars and trainings in various agrarian directions, participation in which is free.

Information about the trainings and seminars, as well as the application form is published on the official page of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture.