


Farmers were trained to care-cultivation of tea cultures

LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Chinese International Holding Group – Hantangjuan, which implies the creation of the tea demonstration plantations, cultivation of the new tea plantations and rehabilitation of the existing ones, working on improvement of the tea quality, retraining farmers in this direction, working on improving technologies of mechanical production and techniques, exchange of scientific knowledge.

Within the framework of the Memorandum, three day training of farmers started in Tsalenjikha, which is going on with financial support of the ’’Partnership Fund’’. The specialists of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture will introduce to the local farmers the tea picking standards and management of tea plantations; Tea processing technologies of green and black tea and tea processing techniques. The farmers will have trainings in the Georgian tea factory ’’Lazi’’.

It should be noted that Georgian tea, produced in Tsalenjikha, is being sold in Chinese market for the second year, the cost of which is 300 USD per 1 kilogram. In the tea company ’’Lazi’’, Chinese investors have invested 80 thousand dollars for the first stage.