


Nursery farms’ process of establishing compliance with standards

The representatives of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture’s division of standardization and certification for planting and seedling materials viewed the nursery farms with the purpose to determine a compliance with international standards.

After establishing the qualification, the nursery will be able to engage in the certification process, which is voluntary and the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture makes it without payment. Based on the results of field inspection and laboratory analyzes conducted by specialists, the certificate confirming the quality of the planting materials will be issued.

It should be noted that Government of Georgia approved the draft law on the ,,access and methodology of agricultural crops for distribution and must be subject to mandatory certification’’, which is sent to the Parliament of Georgia for acceptance.

The above-mentioned draft law is designed to determine the joint principles in the protection area of the seedling and planting materials, which provides the provision of quality seeds and materials on the market and regulates the registration of agricultural crops, production, processing, certification, storage, realization with local and imported seeds and planting materials.