


The decree about the norm of the content of industrial trans-isomer fats will enter into force from August 1, 2017

In 2015, The Risk Assessment structures of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture implemented a project: ,,The assessment of human health exposure to industrial trans-isomer fats’’. In connection with this issue, the scientific conclusion and recommendations have been elaborated, according to the Government Decree No. 262, June 13, 2016, the standard of the industrial trans-isomer fats’ content in food was defined (in 100 g of vegetable fat should not exceed 2 g and in food which is produced for infant and child under school age should not contain trans fats at all), which will enter into force from August 1, 2017.

Due to the importance of determining industrial trans-isomer fats in the food and its harmful effects, the representatives of the Risk Assessment division of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture and Risk Assessment Scientific-Consultation Council met with the head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry department of Copenhagen University, Vice president of Danish Nutrition Council – Steen Stender and discussed the content of trans fats, the issues related to these problems and the ways of solving it.

It should be noted that Daniel scientist, Steen Stender, studied the negative effect of the chemical substances in trans-isomer fat, as a potential threat to the human health. In this regard, he has conducted a number of researches on the consumer market of different countries of Europe. Steen Stender has taken food samples for determining the content of trans-isomer fats in Georgia’s consumer market. The outcome of this study will be of great importance in determining the future risks related to trans-isomer fats and the events, which will be held in future.

In the frames of the visit, Steen Stender held a seminar at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia on the theme: ,, The harmful effects of the industrially produced trans-fats and their influence on cardiovascular systems and trans-isomer fats in popular foods’’.