


LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture launches the second phase of a large project with the Republic of China

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Iuri Nozadze and Director of the LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, Levan Ujmajuridze and Deputy Head of the Hunan Agricultural Committee Yu Xiong and the Executive Director of the Modern Agricultural Industry at the same province, Xu Weiss and General Director of Agriculture Corporation, Zhou Zhonglin, summarized the first phase of a large-scale, joint project ,,Cultivation of Greenhouse Vegetables’’ and had a discussion about future plans.

The above-mentioned project is being implemented together with ,,Hunan Agriculture Group’’. The first phase of the project ends at the end of October. At the meeting, the sides discussed details of the second phase of the project, which means the construction of solar greenhouses in Marneuli and Tskaltubo.

,,The first phase of the project has been successfully completed. The Chinese colleagues expressed their desire to continue the project, which is a welcome fact. Within the second phase of the project cold storage will be added to greenhouse farms, which is important for the entire cycle of value chain. It is noteworthy that the Chinese side offered us the opportunity to create a joint, modern technological and innovation Center for Georgian Farmers’’ – said Iuri Nozadze, Deputy Minister of Agriculture.

The Georgian delegation was composed from the employees of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, who participated in a two-week training program on storing and processing of agricultural products, on the introduction of new technologies and concerning the cultivation of vegetable crops, organized by Hunan Agriculture Group. The participants of the program visited greenhouses, laboratories, tea and silk plants and bamboo plantations.

,,The project, which is implemented by the Hunan Agriculture Group in Georgia, consists of several components – includes both technical and educational directions and considers to introduce the new technologies in the agrarian sector’’ – stated Levan Ujmajuridze, Director of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture.

It should be noted that LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture together with Hunan Agriculture Group has been implementing a large project ,,Cultivation of Greenhouse Vegetables’’. Within the framework of the project, in a village Shulaveri of Marneuli Municipality, Hunan Agriculture Group, on 5 hectares of land area belonging to the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, constructed 6 large and 27 small greenhouses, equipped with new technologies, which are built for scientific-research purposes.