


NASA International Scientific Conference

LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture hosts the International Scientific Conference, which is being implemented within the framework of the project of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Global Observations of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC/GOLD). The conference aims to share international experience, exchange of data and enhance capabilities in this direction to establish a long-term monitoring system.

The program is based on satellite information, which is used to study a large-scale changes related to degraded soils, to problematic areas, monitoring of crop forecasting in case of agricultural lands and some cultures (e.g. wheat, barley), determination of observation of the area occupied by perennial crops and monitoring the forest fires. The study-analysis process of land covering is widely used. Within the framework of the program, information networks are created in many regions of the world that facilitate the implementation of regular seminars and conferences and joint scientific projects. In addition, the representatives of these networks gather annually to exchange experience and information on current research.

’’ It should be noted that within the framework of the conference Caucasus Information Network will be established, which means that our scientists and researchers are able to cooperate with leading scientists and researchers of the world. The involvement in this project is important for us, because on the basis of modern technologies and information from the artificial satellites of NASA, we will be able to study the territories of our country, the conditions of our soils and forest areas and monitor the agricultural crops and cultivable lands’’, – noted the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, Iuri Nozadze.

The conference has opened at the Agrarian University today and will last until September 16. The conference will be held in two parts: the Conference of Caucasus Network (September 11-12) and World Summit (13-16 September), which is a unique way to establish scientific links to Georgian researchers. At the end of the conference delegates will visit Jighaura (Division of Viticulture and Horticulture of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture) with the purpose of acquiring landscape diversity, ongoing changes in land covering and land use.