


,,Agrarian Science Day’’

The Scientists of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture held a seminar for students and interested persons at the Technical University of Georgia, within the scope of the International Festival of Science and Innovation. During the seminar the following themes were discussed: epidemiological condition of zooantroponozny invasive diseases, the importance of preserving the genitals of mulberry silk and improving measures; Prospects of the development for milk and meat directions in Georgia; Viruses attack harvest; Good practice of farming - ,,CAP’’. The listeners has the opportunity to get full information on the current trends and innovations in the field of agriculture and get acquainted with the activities of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture.

In the frames of ,,Agrarian Science Day’’ there were also the stand exhibitions made by the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, where together with various exhibits, the new corn variety ,,farinaceous black’’ and the new variety of oats ,,Argo’’ were presented.

The Cultural tours took place on the research bases of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture – Tsilkani da Jighaura. Within the scope of the event pupils and students visited the laboratories and listened to the seminars: ,,Soil and climate Change’’, Using grafting technologies in vegetable and horticultural crops’’, ’’Agro technique of hazelnut garden’’ and ’’Mulberry – our friend’’.

The International Festival of Science and Innovation has been opened on September 24 and will last until October 8. Georgian State and Private Universities, Georgian National Academy of Sciences and Academy of Sciences, LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, Georgian National Museum and Libraries take part in it.