


Hungarian viticulturists are acquainted with Georgian viticulture and wine-making

The representatives of the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center, Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology visited Georgia in order to get acquainted with Georgian viticulture and wine-making.

The Hungarian viticulturists met with the Director of the Scientific-Research Center, Levan Ujmajuridze, and its staff, they talked about future cooperation. As Levan Ujmajuridze noted, long-term cooperation with the Hungarian Wine Institute has been suspended after the cancellation of viticulture and wine-making Institute in Georgia. According to the Director of the Center, it is necessary to restore cooperation and to carry out joint research.

,, LEPL Scientific-Research center of agriculture carries out the restoration-conservation of the Georgian varieties. Our collection is known worldwide. In addition to the cultural vines, our collection of wild vine species is protected. There are over 460 Georgian and nearly 350 types of vine types, including some Hungarians. We have a desire to add more Hungarian varieties to our collection" - Levan Ujmajuridze stated.

The representatives of the Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology talked about Hungarian viticulture and wine-making potential and development, as well as the activities of the Institute and the programs implemented.

In the framework of the visit, Hungarian guests visited Jighaura's research-demonstration base, visited Georgian wine factories, visited Kakheti and Imereti regions and held meetings with experts of agricultural and technical universities.