


The Hungarian Agriculture Working Group visited the Anaseuli base

The Hungarian Agriculture Working Group visited the Anaseuli base of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, visited the test and demonstration plots of the Tea and Subtropical Crops’ Research Division, greenhouses and orchard - houses and got acquainted with the activities of the service. The guests were interested in the varieties of lemon, orange, feijoa, stevia, the planting material of which the service is currently working on. Special attention was paid to the new selective, highly productive tea variety "Kolkhida", the division has already produced up to 15,000 high-category seedlings, which will be given to farmers to plant new plantations. The guests also got acquainted with the full cycle of tea processing processes in the base plant and toured the third level newly created laboratory of integrated plant protection of "Anaseuli" Diagnostic Center for Soil, Food and Integrated Plant Protection named after Adam Beridze. The new laboratory will work to detect diseases and pests of agricultural plants, as well as the reproduction of natural enemies of insects.

Levan Ujmajuridze, Director of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, introduced the guests to the projects implemented by the Tea and Subtropical Crops’ Research Division, within the framework of which tea plantations were rehabilitated on several hundred hectares in western Georgia. The cooperation of the center provides regular consultations to farmers in the field of tea care and disease prevention.

It should be noted that within the framework of the visit of the Hungarian Agriculture Working Group to Georgia, the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture has already signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, which promotes scientific research and agrarian education.